Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Proposal...

Ryan and I met a little over a year ago. He was going to school at BYU-I and he had a girlfriend, so we never really got a chance to get to know each other. (Not like he wanted to get to know me anyway;) I think it was in late December or January, he had been back from school and started regularly attending our singles branch. One Sunday night at branch prayer my best friend, Sarah, got me to make the first move and talk to him. So I did it ever so slyly. He, at the time, was getting over a very hard break-up and seemed a little distant. A few weeks went by and one night after we had already exchanged phone numbers, we were going to go out for some icecream. He had called me and said he wasn't up to going and that something had happened that night. I told him that I was there for him if he needed to talk. SO, he called me up and said, "lets take a drive and get some hot cocoa!" Ah I was so happy! On the drive of course he told me all about the past relationship and how hard the breakup had been, while driving around looking at Christmas lights. We had a really good talk. Of course though I was thinking to myself, this sucks!!! I was completely willing to be there for him and listen to him, but CLEARLY he was not over this girl yet! But then that's when I came up with my brilliant plan to help him get over her by steppin in! Believe it or not....IT WORKED! I'm so brilliant!
We started hanging out almost every night about 3 months ago. Our first date was on Valentine's Day! We doubled with my best friend and the guy she's dating, Sarah and Chad. We all went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory then and saw Valentine's Day (which by the way, we were so disappointed by it, we were all so excited to see it and it was dumb!) Since that night neither of us had been interested in anyone else! So, I guess thats when we became exclusive. Since we've been dating, we have had a blast together! I remember almost every single date we've been on! My favorite though was when we snuck panda express into the movie theater! I've loved spending time with him! As time went by, I would get more and more excited to see him, which made it harder and harder to say goodbye every night. That's when I knew I loved him and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. We knew thats how we both felt. So...we decided to make it happen!

Last night Ryan proposed to me!! and this is how it happened...

He casually asked if I wanted to go to dinner when he got off work. So, that was the plan. The doorbell rang at about 5:30 pm and there lying on the front step was an envelope that said Clue #1. I knew right away what he was up to! Inside was a piece of paper and a reese's peanut butter cup (they are my favorite)
clue # 1 said, Dani bo bani, are you ready for a little rhyming game? To test out how well you can aim? Travel first to a wooden structure, where Twayne just recently restructured. There you will find clue #2, good luck my little boo!
So, I went to the Walker's cabin and there inside on the chair was my clue # 2, again, my clue and a peanut butter cup! 
Clue #2, I hope you enjoy the reese's along the way, I know you will eat them no matter what you say! Now, travel to a place where a stone is cold, a place where ice cream is sold. Feel free to mix it up a bit, and you'll be done with this my little it. Don't forget clue #3, and fly to the next station like a little bee! 
 Clue #3, Let's go fly a kite up to the highest height! You will need to look hard around this park, just like a little shark. Look in the realty box across from the park. Grab clue #4 and floor it to the next door! Remember the kite flying pictures??
Clue #4, I hope you floored it to the next door, because you'll want to go through your own door. Go back to where we played Chubby Bunny, and you'll find clue #5 my little hunny.
 Clue #5, Aren't I funny? Now do a hop, skip, and a jump to the place where I make money. Look in the bush behind the pillar, and stand up and do a dance like thriller. ALMOST THERE!!
 Clue #6, Finally, go to the place where you'll call home, it had a roof overhead just like a dome. The colors are red and brown, you better hurry quick or your little Ry Ry will drown. There I'll be waiting on bended knee, just hoping you'll agree!
So, I walk inside, and he's doing a puzzle on the living room floor. He asked me to help him finish and TADA!!!...
After we finished I was like alright now what? I was expecting him to be down on his knee when I walked in but...nope! He showed me some of the new touch-ups around the house and I just kept waiting and waiting. I was like WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING!! So then he said, well should we go to dinner? And I was just thinking, seriously what is he up to?? It was driving me crazy! So I started walking out to the car and he said hold on one second I forgot something, and then he called me back inside the house and when I turned the corner...there he was :) down on one knee with the ring out...he pulled me into him, said some gushy love stuff words and asked me to marry him...of course, I said YES! I had the worst butterflies! Even worse than when we first kissed! I am in love and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Ryan! 


  1. Oh my oh my! I teared up a little! AH! I love it! You really do deserve the best! And it looks like you found it!!! Love you!

  2. Oh my freaking heck!!!! Can you say perfect cause I sure can!!!!! I know I'm using a lot of exclamations but I'm just do dang excited for you! You deserve the best of the best and now you have found him :) I cried reading this story just thinking of you and what an amazing future lies ahead for you guys. I can't wait to meet Ry! Congratulations girly! The song "Always Be My Baby" was our summer song but now I will think of you and Ry! That is until I find my own Mr. Right :) Love you so much and congratulations again!

  3. Fani!!!!!!!!!!! OH my gosh this is the cutest thing I've ever heard. What a doll he is! AH wow. I'm so happy for you guys. When is the big day!?

  4. Dani!!! SsssQqqqqUUUuuueeeeeEEEeeee!!
    Your mama told me this afternoon! Wowweeee I am so excited for you!
    He is such a handsome dude and you two look so great together (and of course, he has an awesome name - ha ha).
    Your ring is so pretty and you look so happy!

  5. That is so cute!!! Congrats Dani!!! Married life is great!

  6. Oh my gosh!! How exciting!! :) Your Ring is GORGEOUS!!! Ry is a lucky guy!

  7. yes, yes, YES! i love this, dani! i knew the two of you had a sparkle in your eye when i ran into you the other day. i am SO happy for you. i know i'm not the first to say it, but you two are adorable together! being married is honestly the most amazing experience . . . nothing better than waking up to your favorite person everyday! CONGRATULATIONS, dear!

  8. Cutest proposal EVER!! It made me all giddy and excited for you! Freakin AWESOME Dani! Congrats!

  9. And P.S. that's some gorgeous bling going on!

  10. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hi Dani!

    This is Kristen, Ryan's sister. I have been looking for a way to get a hold of you, but I am not on facebook or anything like that, so this blog is PERFECT! I am SO excited to have a sister-in-law! This will be so fun! I can't wait to meet you! I wonder when that will be? Let me know if you need anything as you plan the wedding! I love doing that stuff! You are so cute and fun, I can tell already. Keep little Ryan in line and don't let him beat you at Mario Kart! Also, keep an eye out on Connie! We all know that little boy needs it! Aaron and I have a blog is...

    Can't wait to meet you! The engagement story is way cute! I love the ring! You did a good job! We must be A LOT alike, because mine looks just like it! We are "Ring Sister" for LIFE!

    Kristen, Aaron, CoCo & Yves 'V'
