Sunday, June 13, 2010

The plague...and an update

I feel like a plague has overcome me. Ryan got sick about a week ago and i was determined not to catch it. but...we are in love and its oh so very hard to stay away from him, especially when he is sick because i want to be there for him and take care of him and give him kisses on the cheek. so yes, i caught the plague. i was a little nervous because of the new job i started, i couldnt afford to already miss work, luckily that wasnt the case. i still went to work sounding like a man, sneezing almost every second, and getting body aches and chills. it really was no fun.

last night was date night. ry and i went to famous daves, which was so fun! i use to work there and our server ended up being my favorite girl there that i worked with! she told everyone that i was there so people kept coming up and saying hi. it was a special moment. after dinner we met up with sarah and chad to see karate kid (which was very good in my opinion.) during the movie my medicine started wearing off. my head was throbbing and it felt as though it were going to explode. my stomach starting rumbling get the point. all in all, the feeling sucked. on the way home the tears started coming. i felt stupid, who cries when they're sick? i guess i do! i think it was a mixture of being tired, feeling horrible, and the thought of my mom and bailey being gone for 7 weeks. ry brought me home and settled me into my bed, gave me some medicine and stayed with me until i was almost asleep. i am so blessed to have found an amazing man who i know will be the best husband. he treats me like a queen. i am so lucky!

The house is finally finished! we went furniture shopping at RC Willey and got ourselves a new couch, washer and dryer, and fridge. i am SO excited to move in and start the decorating! the first time we had gone into RC willey ry fell in love with this bright red leather couch! at first i was like HECK NO and we moved on. but the second time we went in when we were really going to buy one...i was like hmm this could actually be freaking sweet. it was a 6 piece half circle couch shown below...MUCH more expensive than the one i fell in love with...and of course, most the time, the girl gets her way, as in this case :)

Ry's choice...
My choice...THE WINNER
ps. engagement pictures went so well! i am so excited to get them back and show everyone! thanks Jen Alvi for the fun time!


  1. Duh that red couch is freaking hot! Should have gone with it :D Hope you start feeling better.

  2. I love red and the red couches are sweet but I have to admit I love the one you got - it is gorgeous!!!

    It sucks to be sick hope you are feeling better!

  3. We miss you already! I am glad though that Ryan and dad will take care of your every need. I love the couch you ended up getting. It looks great in your house. Take care shuggy. We will be thinking about you every day.

  4. Decorating your own house = funnest thing EVER! Well one of them definitely!

  5. Holy freakin cow...lovin the red couch! but the other ones pretty sexy too ;)
