Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lets go fly a kite....

Monday night for FHE our branch flew kites! Instead of buying those silly $1 kites at wal-mart that everyone else had, ry and I went to Target and got ourselves a way sweet toy story kite for $5! We had a blast! I love spending time with him, because everything we do, no matter what it is, we have so much fun! We've done a lot of fun things since we started dating. My favorite date, and I think it was Ry's favorite too, was when we were late for our movie so we got Panda Express and snuck it into the movie theater! Definitely recommended! (of course, only if you have a big enough bag to fit them in, like I)

 Ry is super proud of his "photography skills" although, I must admit,  this is a pretty sweet picture!

We were laying in the grass, and I started doing leg motions in the air, I guess Ry found that amusing and wanted to get it on video...don't ask how I thought of that song to sing...

1 comment:

  1. Wow...good thing you splurged and bought a "real" kite. $5.00 put to good use! I love watching you two enjoy each other so much. Good thing he treats you so well or he would be facing the wrath of your mother! We love Ryan a lot and enjoy the time he spends at our house. He is good at including Bailey in things and I appreciate that about him. The video is a hoot. You always come up with something new and freakish to surprise us with! :) I never get tired of my girls sense of humor. I am one lucky mother.
