Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Teaching in Relief Society, who would have thought...

You read that right folks...i'm teaching my first lesson in relief society the first week in February. I'm giving the lesson on Adversity. It says this about adversity on Lds.org..."As part of Heavenly Father's plan of redemption, all people experience adversity during their lifetime. Trials, disappointments, sadness, sickness, and heartache are a difficult part of life, but with the help of the Lord they can lead to spiritual growth, refinement, and progress.
Each person's success and happiness, both now and in the eternities, depend largely on his or her responses to the difficulties of life.
Adversity comes from different sources. Trials may come as a consequence of a person's own pride and disobedience. These trials can be avoided through righteous living. Other trials are simply a natural part of life and may come at times when people are living righteously. For example, people may experience trials in times of sickness or uncertainty or at the deaths of loved ones. Adversity may sometimes come because of others' poor choices and hurtful words and actions. Suffering may also come through a loving Heavenly Father as a tutoring experience.
When some people face adversity, they complain and become bitter. They ask questions like "Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to suffer this now? What have I done to deserve this?" But these questions have the power to dominate their thoughts. Such questions can overtake their vision, absorb their energy, and deprive them of the experiences the Lord wants them to receive. Rather than responding in this way, people should consider asking questions such as, "What am I to do? What am I to learn from this experience? What am I to change? Whom am I to help? How can I remember my many blessings in times of trial?"

Different kinds of adversity require different responses. For example, people who are stricken with illness may simply need to be patient and faithful. People who suffer because of others' words or actions should work toward forgiving those who have offended them. Victims of abuse should seek help immediately. If a person's trials come because of disobedience, he or she should correct the behavior and humbly seek forgiveness."

 When i read this it brought me right to the scripture found in Alma chapter 36 verse 3..."Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day"

I love that it says that God will support you, not that He will take your trials away if you trust in Him. I'm still learning to put my complete trust in God. Because I have to admit, I do still question sometimes why things have to be a certain way, or why this is happening. I know most of us do, but it's not fair to Him. We need to have complete trust in our Heavenly Father when things seem unbearable. That is why I chose this topic, because it's one of my weaknesses. I am one of the ones sometimes who becomes bitter.

Wish me luck :)


  1. This lesson is going to be so good. It's interesting how much more you learn when you are the teacher than when you are just attending the class. I don't see you bitter much. I think you are an amazing daughter who really wants to be her best self. I love you and I am so proud of who you have become. Amazing!

  2. Dani, your lesson is going to be fantastic. I already cannot wait to listen to it! Thank you for the preview. And your Mom is right you do learn so much more when you are the teacher! Let me know if you need any help! :)

  3. good luck sis! You are going to do awesome! ps...LOVE the new blog background/header. Looks so stinking cute and lovey dovey for valentines day! Love you!

  4. thanks everyone for the encouragement, i need all the luck i can get. and thanks sis, i made the header all by myself! i was proud, i found the chandelier on google images. i did it when i was stuck in the house with nothing to do. love you too! (and mom. thanks for stickin with me these last couple days)

  5. dani, you are so great! so, so, so great! and ridiculously cute . . . which is always a nice bonus in life :) i'm excited for your lesson and i know you will do an awesome job! we're lucky to have you and the awesome spirit you bring to the branch. happy preparing :)

    oh, and i'm lovin' the new look to your blog. so cute!
